Central and North America
Episodes 5-8
Ever wonder what the animals we talk about look like, or which episodes cover what animals? Find the answers you seek below! Our episode guides give a brief breakdown of each episode as well as links to the articles we discuss, our sources, and of course, pictures of the animals!
All pictures are either Public Domain or Stock photos unless otherwise noted.
Unfortunately we are not able to provide photos for every animal, especially the more obscure ones, due to not being able to obtain photos which don't violate copyright law. For any animals lacking a photo we remind you that Google is your friend.
Episode 5: Adorably Primitive
Casey and Ali kick off the month by addressing their confusion regarding riptides and rip currents from the previous episode. Casey talks about his experiences while camping in Santa Barbara, and Ali tells the tale of how she rescued a wild mouse from the studio. Casey discusses his pet peeve regarding unnecessary procedures on pets, while Ali talks about a core responsibility of pet keeping, being prepared for evacuation, as well as other important pet advice. They then discuss their favorite Wildlife Experiences which coincidentally both involve whale watching. Casey teaches us about a peculiar looking Central American mammal as the Animal of the Week, the Baird’s Tapir. They bring the episode to a close by performing a spinoff of their ‘Alphabet Challenge’ naming animals that begin with the last letter of the previous animal’s name.
Pictured from top to bottom: Baird's Tapir and Humpback Whale.
Sources and Links
Humpback Whale Tale (still taken from from Ali's whale watching trip video in March 2019). Watch the video on our Instagram @animaladdictspodcast
Episode 6: The Good, The Odd, and The Awesome
Casey starts things off by making a correction on a statement made on the first episode by Ali regarding feline and canine footprints. Ali talks about another Disney+ documentary Born in China, and gives it a rating of Not Safe before giving a refresher on how other documentaries place. Ali talks about the Dog Hero of September 11th and about all the services that they were trained to do. The pair discuss the Strangest Animals They Have Seen in Person, the Horseshoe Crab and the Mara, before Casey teaches about their peculiar Animal of the Week, the Gila Monster. Casey wraps up the episode by challenging Ali to correctly identify which animal does not belong within a group of animals he lists.
Pictured from top to bottom: Gila Monster, Horseshoe Crab, and Mara.
Sources and Links
Episode 7: A Beary Good Episode
Casey starts by holding himself accountable and making a correction regarding a comment on Bryde's whales that he made on the previous episode, while Ali talks about her experience using Wild Watch Kenya. Casey addresses another animal myth, this time talking about many misconceptions on spiders. Ali tells a story about a rattlesnake in the bathroom before they talk about their Favorite Bear Species, the Polar Bear and the North American Black Bear. Casey educates us on the fastest Animal of the Week thus far, the Pronghorn, and Ali brings the episode to a close by challenging Casey with a Jeopardy-like game.
Pictured from top to bottom: Pronghorn, Polar Bear, and North American Black Bear .
Sources and Links
Episode 8: Attitude and Aspirations
Casey gives Ali a rundown of the Netflix documentary series Our Planet, narrated by national treasure David Attenborough, while Ali talks about how she finally got to pet someone’s dog again. Casey brings up a discussion as to why some animals seem to be ignored when it comes to conservation, before the pair talk about some of their Dream Pets and set ups for said pets, which may only be a dream because they are a couple of poor Californians. They then talk about their Favorite Species Native to the State of California, the ChanneL Island Fox and the Greater Roadrunner, before Casey informs us about their very feisty Animal of the Week, the Wolverine. They bring the episode to a close with a new variation of their ‘Alphabet Challenge’ where they have to name animals for every letter in ‘honey badger’ in order, and get through as many rounds of the full ‘honey badger’ as possible.
Pictured from top to bottom: Wolverine, Channel Island Fox, and Greater Roadrunner.
Sources and Links