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Episodes 103-107

Ever wonder what the animals we talk about look like, or which episodes cover what animals? Find the answers you seek below! Our episode guides give a brief breakdown of each episode as well as links to the articles we discuss, our sources, and of course, pictures of the animals!

All pictures are either Public Domain or Stock photos unless otherwise noted.
Unfortunately we are not able to provide photos for every animal, especially the more obscure ones, due to not being able to obtain photos which don't violate copyright law. For any animals lacking a photo we remind you that Google is your friend. 

Episode 103: African Herbivores

Casey starts off the first episode from Africa with more updates from his volunteer work, and Ali shares how Tiger-Lily is freaked out by her new bed. They accidentally both go on to share essentially the same story about a variety of species potentially receiving more protections from CITES, particularly sharks and hippos. They then talk about their Favorite Non-Carnivorous Mammals, the Rock Hyrax and the Nyala, and the first African Animal of the Week, the Scimitar-Horned Oryx. The episode concludes with another round of ‘Cups’.

Pictured from top to bottom: Scimitar-Horned Oryx, Rock Hyrax, and Nyala.

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By Derek Keats from Johannesburg, South Africa - Nyala bull staring at me, CC BY 2.0,

Episode 104: Odd Yet Cute

The episode begins with Casey sharing his horrors of Christmas shopping, and Ali giving an update on Tiger-Lily adjusting to the bed, but struggling to get to the window sill now that there is no headboard. She also shares that Noodle, the pug famous for ‘bones or no bones day’, passed away, and now she finally understands what that means. Casey shares an article about a cheetah killing a nilgai calf at the Kuno National Park in India, indicating they are adapting to hunt larger prey, while Ali shares a crazy story about a live cat being detected by the TSA at JFK Airport that had snuck into a passenger's suitcase. They pair go on to discuss their Favorite Animal from the African Plains or African Forest exhibit at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, the Eastern Black Rhino and the Gemsbok, and the unique-looking Animal of the Week, the Aardvark. Casey closes out the episode by challenging Ali to a quiz on Cheetahs and Coatis.

Pictured from top to bottom: Aardvark, Eastern Black Rhino, and Gemsbok.

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Episode 105: Lesser Known African Cuties

Casey kicks off the episode sharing that he is now giving tours and handling more animals with his volunteer work with Wild Wonders, while Ali talks about her most recent trip to the San Diego Zoo, where she got a behind the scenes experience with a binturong by being in the right place at the right time. Casey continues by sharing an article about a large pigeon which hadn’t been seen by scientists for 140 years in Papua New Guinea, and Ali highlights another dog breed, the Azawakh. They go on to discuss their Favorite Non-Canid or Feline African Carnivore (Order Carnivora), the Ring-Tailed Vontsira and the African Civet, before moving on to the interesting-looking Animal of the Week, the Brown Greater Galago. Ali wraps up the episode by challenging Casey to another round of ‘Leopardy’.

Pictured from top to bottom: Brown Greater Galago, Ring-Tailed Vontsira, African Civet, and Azawakh.

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Episode 106: Make Love Not War

Casey begins the episode by talking about his early Christmas present, more carnivorous plants, and Ali shares about her most recent game night, and playing Cascadia, which she can now confidently recommend. Casey then goes on to share some of the official new protections for sharks and other species from the CITES Trade Summit, while Ali shares a sad story about mountain lion P-22, also known as the ‘Hollywood Cat’, having to be humanely euthanized due to his  deteriorating health. They then talk about their Favorite African Primates, the Bonobo and the Mandrill, and about the often-trafficked Animal of the Week, the Egyptian Uromastyx. Casey concludes the episode by challenging Ali to a 12 Days of Christmas inspired quiz.

Pictured from top to bottom: Egyptian Uromastyx, Bonobo, and Mandrill.

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Episode 107: An Assortment of African Avians

The final episode from African Season 3 features Casey talking about going to ‘Jungle Bells’ at the San Diego Zoo with his mother and sisters, while Ali rates another documentary, National Geographic’s Super/Natural: Bloodline, giving it a rating of Mostly Safe. Casey continues by sharing an article about a ‘zombie gene’ that helps protect elephants from cancer, and Ali highlights a rabbit breed this time, the Lionhead. The pair then go on to discuss their Favorite Non-Raptor Birds, the Cape Penduline Tit and the Grey Crowned Crane, before continuing on to the final African Animal of the Week, the Lappet-Faced Vulture. They bring the episode, and the year, to a close with a challenge where they must name an animal for every letter of the alphabet, this time limited to Africa.

Pictured from top to bottom: Lappet-Faced Vulture, Cape Penduline Tit, Grey Crowned Crane, and Lionhead.

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