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Indian and Southern Ocean and Antartica
Episodes 117 - 120

Ever wonder what the animals we talk about look like, or which episodes cover what animals? Find the answers you seek below! Our episode guides give a brief breakdown of each episode as well as links to the articles we discuss, our sources, and of course, pictures of the animals!

All pictures are either Public Domain or Stock photos unless otherwise noted.
Unfortunately we are not able to provide photos for every animal, especially the more obscure ones, due to not being able to obtain photos which don't violate copyright law. For any animals lacking a photo we remind you that Google is your friend. 

Episode 117: Aptly Named

Casey begins the episode recounting his experience with the Waze App, and seeing Scream with his sisters, and Ali talks about watching Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (streaming on Peacock). Casey continues by sharing about the ‘March of the Penguin Madness’ competition, while Ali shares an article about a Radiated Tortoise becoming a first-time-father at the age of 90. The duo then discuss their Favorite Antarctic Birds, the Snowy Sheathbill and the Light-Mantled-Albatross, before moving on to the gigantic Animal of the Week, the Southern Elephant Seal. They bring the episode to a close with a round of Taboo.

Pictured from top to bottom: Southern Elephant Seal, Snowy Sheathbill, and Light-Mantled Albatross.

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Episode 118: A Crabtastic Episode!

The episode begins with Casey talking about some webinars he’s been watching and an online resource for textbooks called LibGen. Ali shares two stories of animals paying the price for human stupidity, the first involves a monkey in Oklahoma and the second a zebra in Ohio. Casey then goes on to share about a new Galapagos themed exhibit at the Houston Zoo, and Ali shares two more stories, one involving a plan in which Lotita, the 2nd oldest orca in captivity, will be returned to her home waters of the Pacific Northwest, and the second involving a pilot who had to make an unexpected landing after discovering a venomous cape cobra under his seat mid flight. The pair go on to talk about their Favorite Crustaceans Found in the Indian Ocean, the Coconut Crab and the Christmas Island Red Crab. Casey shares about the speedy Animal of the Week, the Horn-Eyed Ghost Crab, before wrapping up the episode with a ‘World Penguin Day Quiz’ from The Guardian for both of them.

Pictured from top to bottom: Horn-Eyed Ghost Crab, Coconut Crab, and Christmas Island Red Crab.

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By John Tann from Sydney, Australia - red crabUploaded by berichard, CC BY 2.0,

Episode 119: Relatively Gay Birds!

Casey kicks off the episode by sharing that he watched Megan with his family, while Ali rates another documentary, this time giving a rating of Safe to Super/Natural: Rivals. Casey then shares an article about a critical habitat proposal for 12 species only found in Hawaii, and Ali highlights another dog breed, the Bedlington Terrier. They continue on to discuss their Favorite Vertebrates Native to the Indian Ocean, the Sperm Whale and the Zebra Shark, before moving on to the Animal of the Week with interesting chick rearing habits, the Antarctic Petrel. Ali closes out the episode with a challenge for both of them where they must name animated animals that are mostly white or blue within the allotted time.

Pictured from top to bottom: Antarctic Petrel, Sperm Whale, Zebra Shark, and Bedlington Terrier.


Episode 120: Ye Olde Sea Monsters

Casey beings the episode sharing about his latest trip to Disneyland with his family, and Ali recounting her recent trip to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Casey continues on to discuss a study regarding Alligator Wrestling, while Ali shares a story about a dog named Nanuq in Alaska that made a 150 mile journey before being reunited with his family. The pair go on to discuss a Wild Card pick of Anything Not Already Covered From the Region, the Oarfish and the Chinstrap Penguin. Casey then talks about the final Animal of the Week for this month, the Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish, before concluding the episode with a challenge where they must name an animal for every letter of the alphabet, this time limited to invertebrates and fish only.

Pictured from top to bottom: Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish, Oarfish, and Chinstrap Penguin.

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By Rvalette - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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