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Pacific Ocean
Episodes 121-124

Ever wonder what the animals we talk about look like, or which episodes cover what animals? Find the answers you seek below! Our episode guides give a brief breakdown of each episode as well as links to the articles we discuss, our sources, and of course, pictures of the animals!

All pictures are either Public Domain or Stock photos unless otherwise noted.
Unfortunately we are not able to provide photos for every animal, especially the more obscure ones, due to not being able to obtain photos which don't violate copyright law. For any animals lacking a photo we remind you that Google is your friend. 

Episode 121: An Adorable Animal With Plant Powers

Casey kicks off the Pacific Ocean month sharing about his recent trip to the Birch Aquarium with his sister, and Ali talks about binging The Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Casey continues on to share an article about the Fort Worth Zoo using IVF to help save the Houston Toad, while Ali shares two stories, one about one of Pablo Escobar's Cocaine hippos dying after being hit by an SUV in Columbia, and the second about ‘How to watch Wild Isles’, the controversial David Attenborough Series from the UK. The pair go on to discuss their Favorite Nature Series or Documentary as an Adult. Planet Earth II and National Geographic’s Super/Natural, before moving on to talk about the adorable Animal of the Week, the Leaf Sheep (or Leaf Slug). They wrap up the episode with another round of Taboo.

Pictured from top to bottom: Leaf Sheep, Planet Earth II, and National Geographic's Super/Natural.

Planet Earth 2.PNG
Super Natural.PNG

Episode 122: A Multitude Of Marine Mammals

Episode 122 begins with Casey talking about how busy they are at work, while Ali shares about her recent trip to the San Diego Zoo to see the baby leopards and Andean bears. Casey then shares some sad news about the Giant Yangtze Softshell Turtle now on the brink of extinction after the last known female recently passed. Ali also shares some sad news regarding Freeway, the sea lion who famously ventured onto a San Diego freeway, among other places, having to be euthanized due to a ‘progressive disease’. The duo continue on to discuss their Favorite Mammals Native To The Pacific Ocean, the Marine Otter and the Striped Dolphin. Casey then shares about the tubby, yet adorable, Animal of the Week, the Hawaiian Monk Seal, before closing out the episode with Arctictis Binturong Conservation’s World Binturong Day Quiz for both of them.

Pictured from top to bottom: Hawaiian Monk Seal, Marine Otter, and Striped Dolphin.

Needs Credit Marine Otter.jpg

By Sakura1994 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Episode 123: A Happy Hawaiian

Casey gets things started by sharing about his most recent trip to the San Diego Zoo with his sister, while Ali shares about multiple horse deaths due to horse racing. Casey continues on to discuss the Platinum Rhino Project, home to 2,000 rhinos, going up for auction in South Africa, and Ali highlights the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever for this month’s breed. They then talk about their Favorite Marine Animal Based Live Action Movies, Dolphin Tale and Free Willy, before moving on to the smiley Animal of the Week, the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider. Ali concludes the episode with a quiz for Casey about the Largest Animals from the Pacific Ocean.

Pictured from top to bottom: Hawaiian Happy Face Spider, Dolphin Tale, Free Willy, and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

needs credit Hawaiian_happyface_spider_(30552794872).jpg

By Melissa McMasters from Memphis, TN, United States - Hawaiian happyface spider, CC BY 2.0,

Dolphin Tale.PNG
Free Willy.PNG

Episode 124: Flashy Looking Fish

The final Pacific Ocean episode of 2023 begins with Casey recounting his final trip to Disneyland. Ali talks about the crazy timing of the most recent issue of Zoonooz featuring the Pacific Ocean, specifically featuring the Hawaiian Monk Seal and Hawaiian Happy Face Spider, and how she watched a couple of episodes of two new shows, Extinct or Alive and Big Beasts. Casey then gives an update on the ‘shaky’ future of the 2,000 rhinos from the Platinum Rhino Project from the previous episode, while Ali shares about yet another horse racing related horse death. The pair then discuss their Favorite Flashy Looking Fish, the Indo-Pacific Lionfish (or Red Lionfish) and the Mandarin Fish. Casey goes on to talk about the fascinating Animal of the Week, the Sarcastic Fringehead. They wrap up the episode with Casey quizzing Ali with a Scientific Terms Quiz.

Pictured from top to bottom: Sarcastic Fringehead, Indo-Pacific Lionfish, and Mandarin Fish.

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