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Original Podcast Episodes 

Season One 


Originally released on August 4th, 2020

Be sure to join us on August 7th for our first episode of the Animal Addicts Podcast where your hosts, Casey and Ali discuss a variety of animal related topics.


Originally released on August 7th, 2020

Our first episode features an animal myth, a pet peeve, our choices for our Battle Beasts and Formal Beasts, and our first Animal of the Week, the adorable Coatimundi.


Originally released on August 14th, 2020

On this episode we discuss an interesting breed of dog, our favorite birds of prey, get a mini biology lesson, and learn about our Animal of the Week, the Cock of the Rock.


Originally released on August 21st, 2020

This week we celebrate Shark Week, learn about the Maned Wolf, and have a challenge that even Casey struggles with!


Originally released on August 28th, 2020

Episode four of the Animal Addicts Podcast explores the dangers of the oceans, our favorite monkeys, a commonly believed myth, and features our Animal of the Week, the Green Anaconda.


Originally released on September 4th, 2020

Today we recall some of our favorite stories with wildlife, dish out some pet advice, and talk about the adorable Baird's Tapir.


Originally released on September 11th, 2020

On this week's episode we discuss the hero dogs of 9/11, learn about the awesome Gila Monster, and talk about some of the oddest animals we've ever seen. been.


Originally released on September 18th, 2020

On this episode we get into some spider myths, discuss more favorites, and learn about the Pronghorn. Ali fails at delivering a pun this episode, hence the episode title. We can't possibly go an episode without a pun; That would be unbearable.


Originally released on September 25th, 2020

On this episode we talk about our pet related dreams if money were no issue, some favorite natives, and the super tough, Wolverine! Seriously, they're no joke.


Originally released on October 9th, 2020

On today's episode we explain why we were delayed, discuss our favorite toothed whales, and learn about a little fish with the best scientific name! We also learn about an unfortunate update from down under, but thankfully there's a little hero to help make us feel a little better.


Originally released on October 9th, 2020

On this week's episode we learn about an angelic shark, but also about some terrestrial blood-suckers. We also get into another pet peeve and learn about some interesting underwater explorations.


Originally released on October 16th, 2020

On this episode we dish out some pet advice for getting a cat, talk about a positive article regarding coral, discuss two animals with terrible reputations, and learn about the Humpback Angler Fish!


Originally released on October 23rd, 2020

Imagine if you will, an animal that is a cross between a lobster and a giant roly-poly. Now place that animal near the bottom of the ocean. That, dear listeners, is this week's Animal of the Week, the Giant Isopod. In addition to this odd creature, we also discuss using moths as stand in drones, the return of the Tasmanian Devil to mainland Australia, and learn about two very different mammals from Greenland.


Originally released on October 30th, 2020

On our Halloween episode we discuss the animals that creep us out the most and learn about a far more recognizable marine animal, the Leatherback Sea Turtle! We also reminisce on Halloweens past.


Originally released on November 6th, 2020

How can pantyhose protect you from an incredibly dangerous animal? Find out on this week's episode. You'll also learn about a study involving Bees, an awesome dog breed, our favorite Jelly Fish, and about our Animal of The Week, the European Mink!


Originally released on November 13th, 2020

On today's episode we discuss the incredibly awesome Sheltopusik as well as our favorite animals from Greece. Casey also talks about the successfulness of insects and his existential crisis with school and the future.


Originally released on November 20th, 2020

On today's very avian themed episode, we discuss some more favorites and our Animal of the Week, chosen by our Patreon supporters, the Rock Ptarmigan. Casey also gives us another biology lesson and we hear about some good news from Australia!


Originally released on November 27th, 2020

On today's episode we get another bio lesson from Casey, talk about some more of our favorite flyers, and learn about a beautiful parasitic insect. If you want to have a say in one of our Animals of the Week for Africa next month, join our Patreon @


Originally released on December 22nd, 2020

On this episode of The Animal Addicts Podcast, we get a new bio lesson from Casey and learn about some household items and food that could be dangerous for your pets. We also discuss more winged favorites and kick off our African Animals of the Week with the Kirk's Dik-Dik.


Originally released on December 23rd, 2020

One this episode we give some pet advice if you're planning to add a dog to your life and talk about some feline favorites, and learn about our Animal of the Week, the Black-Footed Cat!


Originally released on December 24th, 2020

On this episode, Casey has a minor meltdown and I add another Disney Nature Documentary to my list. We also learn about the Schipperke, two other wild canine species, and our first amphibian Animal of the Week.


Originally released on December 25th, 2020

On this episode we discuss our dream ecological vacations, some more good news from Australia, two rather large favorites from Santa's neck of the woods, and our Animal of the Week, the Giant Pangolin, which desperately needs our help.


Originally released on January 1st, 2021

On the very first episode of the New Year, we discuss a couple of ways we want to help the environment as well as some favorites from Asia, and kick off our Asian Animals of the Week with the Dhole!


Originally released on January 8th, 2021

On today's episode we discuss some more picks, one of which is disturbing thanks to Casey, catch up from the holidays, and learn about the beautiful Walking Flower Mantis.


Originally released on January 15th, 2021

On today's episode we get some bad news from Africa, learn about one of the best breeds of cats, discuss some more favorites, and learn about this Animal of the Week, the Sloth Bear!


Originally released on January 24th, 2021

On today's episode we talk about a couple of awesome animal related places to visit, and learn about an absolutely adorable animal for our listener's choice week. Thank you for your patience with the delay. Hopefully we'll have smooth sailing going forward.


Originally released on January 29th, 2021

On today's episode we learn about efforts to help bees, train millipedes, more of our favorite AZA accredited facilities, and our Animal of the Week, the Gharial.


Originally released on February 5th, 2021

On today's episode we talk about multiple adorable animals from Australia, including our Animal of the Week, the Tiger Quoll! And, for once, we actually do well on our challenge!


Originally released on February 12th, 2021

On today's episode Casey talks about some interesting, and slightly terrifying, behavior of Electric Eels and I discuss our new Presidential Puppers! We also learn about our favorites from the pig family, and about an extremely unique Animal of the Week, the Tuatara.


Originally released on February 19th, 2021

On this week's episode we discuss some interesting videos that Casey watched, ancient art, and learn about 3 flightless birds from the Oceania area, the Southern Brown Kiwi, Southern Cassowary, and the South Island Takahe!


Originally released on February 26th, 2021

On today's episode we discuss the, Polar Bear looking, Great Pyrenees, our favorite Live Action Animal Films, and learn about the Speartooth Shark, which unlike most of their relatives, lives in rivers!


Originally released on March 5th, 2021

Today's episode features some beautiful creatures, which also happen to be incredibly deadly, the Flamboyant Cuttlefish and the Blue-Ringed Octopus, and an awesome marine mammal, the Dugong. We also talk about very well behaved dogs, and Casey gives a surprising compliment.


Originally released on March 12th, 2021

On today's episode, Casey talks about some ancient DNA while I debunk a common myth. We also discuss our Favorite Penguins, the Galapagos Penguin and the Blue Penguin, and our animal of the week, the Wandering Albatross!


Originally released on March 19th, 2021

On this week's episode we talk about some crazy science involving an American animal and a National Treasure of a dog breed. I also add another Disney Nature Documentary to my list, and we learn about our favorite Marine Bony Fish, the Leafy Sea Dragon and Hedgehog Seahorse, as well as our Animal of the Week, the West Indian Ocean Coelacanth!


Originally released on March 26th, 2021

On today's episode we learn about some famous animal actors and get some more pet advice. We also discuss our favorite Seals, the Leopard Seal and Ribbon Seal, and learn about our Animal of the Week, the Colossal Squid!


Originally released on April 2nd, 2021

On today's episode we learn about the distinctive looking Sailfish, and our favorite Intertidal animals, the Ochre Sea Star and the Purple Sea Urchin! We also talk about problems some marine animals are facing both naturally, and due to human activity. And we certainly hoped you fared better than we did on this week's challenge.


Originally released on April 9th, 2021

On today's episode we talk about how much damage we have done to our environment and the desperate need to change course, and Casey talks about a specific animal that has been upgraded to higher level on the IUCN Red List in just the past few months due to human activity. But on a happier note, we do learn about our Favorite Rays, the Giant Manta Ray and the Spotted Eagle Ray, and our Animal of the Week, The Portuguese Man O’ War. Let's work together to save our planet and the plants and animals that call it home!


Originally released on April 21st, 2021

Today's episode features our favorite Marine Crustaceans, the Japanese Spider Crab and the Pistol Shrimp, as well as our Animal of the Week, the Spotted Ratfish. Casey also talks about an awesome app that allows you to take part in science, and I warn you that it's gonna get loud a little later in the spring. Thank you for your patience with this delay after my surgery. Also note, these episodes were recorded ahead of that surgery.


Originally released on April 23rd, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about our Animal of the Week, The Blue Dragon, and our favorite Eels, the Snowflake Moray Eel and Zebra Moray Eel. Casey also tells gives us some bad news from the Ocean, and I tell you about an adorable bunny, the Holland Lop!


Originally released on April 30th, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about our favorite Deep Sea Creatures, the Frilled Shark and Yeti Crab, and our Animal of the Week, the Vampire Squid. Casey also tells us about some super complicated stuff for school, and I give advice on how not to be a terrible person at zoos or in stores in general.


Originally released on May 7th, 2021

On today's episode we learn about the fascinating Mantis Shrimp, who isn't actually a shrimp, but is insanely cool! We also discuss our favorite butterflies, the Moth Butterfly and the Pipevine Swallowtail, and some Jurassic Park level stuff, as well as a new hybrid animal. You will not want to miss the pictures for this one!


Originally released on May 14th, 2021

On today's episode we learn about our favorite beetles, the Ohlone Tiger Beetle and the Jewel Beetle, and our Animal of the Week, the Water Bear! Casey also tells us about a new discovery and I teach you about an awesome dog breed in a belated tip-of-the-hat to Star Wars Day.


Originally released on May 21st, 2021

On this week's episode we discuss some terrible news laws established in Idaho as well as some unbelievably irresponsible news from across the world. We also learn about our favorite lemurs, the Aye-Aye and Red Ruffed Lemur, and about "the happiest animal on Earth", the Quokka as our Animal of the Week!


Originally released on May 28th, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about the super tiny Fairy Fly as our Animal of the Week. In addition, we learn about our Wild Card favorites, which just turned out to be more Beetles, the Ambrosia Beetle and Rhinoceros Beetle. Thank you so much for listening and following us on our first journey around the world! We can't wait to bring you more amazing animals this upcoming season.

Season Two 


Originally released on June 4th, 2021

On this week's episode Casey tells us about a cool, yet somewhat scary, story out of Florida that is a creative solution to a problem, and I talk about an adorable new discovery. We also learn about our favorite South American Rodents, the Brazilian Porcupine and the Capybara, and our Animal of the Week, the Titicaca Frog!


Originally released on June 11th, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about our favorite Spiders, the Portia Jumping Spider and Peacock jumping Spider, and our Animal of the Week, the Giant Anteater! We also discuss more whales and learn about the ever impressive Friesian Horse.


Originally released on June 18th, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about our favorite South American Monkeys, the Red (or Bald-Headed) Ukari, and the Guianan Squirrel Monkey, and our Animal of the Week, the Bush Dog!


Originally released on June 25th, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about our favorite South American Birds, the Greater Rhea and the White-Throated Toucan, and our Animal of the Week, the Hoatzin. I also share an update on a previously mentioned little hero, and Casey shares a crazy story involving drugs and invasive species. And as usual we struggle with our challenge.


Originally released on July 2nd, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about the few remaining jaguars in the USA and the efforts to restore them, and get some sad news from the white house if you haven't heard already. We also discuss our favorite Central and North American Cats, the Cougar and Jaguar, and our Animal of the Week, the Bagheera Kiplingi.


Originally released on July 9th, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about our Animal of the Week, the Resplendent Quetzal, and our favorite North American Endangered Species, the North American Burying Beetle and the Ocelot. We also discuss a conservation success story in an unexpected place and learn about another awesome dog breed, the Keeshond.


Originally released on July 16th, 2021

On this week's episode we learn about our favorite animals found in the Condor Ridge section of the Animal Park (otherwise known as animals native to the Americas), the California Condor and the Burrowing Owl. Our Animal of the Week, the American Pika, is one of the most adorable animals we've ever discussed and an excellent example of why we need to act on Climate Change.


Originally released on July 28th, 2021

On this episode, we learn about our favorite North American Reptiles, the Desert Tortoise and the Western Fence Lizard, and our Animal of the Week, the awesome Axolotl! We also find out about a new species of frog and about more innocent zoo animals contracting Covid.


Originally released on July 30th, 2021

On this episode we discuss an evolutionary arms race between bats and moths and the amazing Rhodesian Ridgeback. We also learn about our favorite American Bats, the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat and the Tent-Making Bat, and our Animal of the Week, the Greater Sage Grouse!


Originally released on August 6th, 2021

On this episode we learn about our favorite Pelagic Animals, The Porbeagle and the Short-Beaked Common Dolphin, and our crazy cool Animal of the Week, the Greenland Shark! We also discuss Casey's jealousy of one lucky dude in Oklahoma and how you could potentially get your pets sick


Originally released on August 13th, 2021

On this episode Casey tells us about a conservation effort for a specific bird, and I talk about the rediscovery of an adorable reptile that was previously thought to be extinct. We learn about our favorite Pufferfish, sort of (you'll see what we mean and my frustration in the episode), the Fahaka Pufferfish and the Long-Spined Porcupine Fish (also commonly referred to as the Porcupine Pufferfish). We also learn about our Animal of the Week, the Atlantic Puffin! And just so you know, the name of the puffin in the Swan Princess is Puffin.


Originally released on August 20th, 2021

On this episode we discuss a problem sharks in Florida are facing and learn about the very distinctive looking Pharaoh Hound. We also learn about our favorite Marine Fish we've seen in the wild, the Leopard Shark and Great Barracuda, and our Animal of the Week, a Predatory Sponge!


Originally released on August 27th, 2021

One this episode we learn about our favorite Sea Anemones, the Losactis Vagabunda and the Aggregate Green Anemone, and our Animal of the Week, the Largetooth Sawfish! We also talk about some legal action regarding improper protection of the Manatee and about a returning horror from 2020.


Originally released on September 5th, 2021

On this episode Casey talks about an awesome fossil discovery while I talk about the serious problems impacting Emperor Penguins. Crazily enough we both chose adorable picks this time for our favorite Dutch Animal, the European Polecat and the Stoat, and finally we learn about our Animal of the Week, the Bavarian Pine Vole.


Originally released on September 12th, 2021

On this episode Casey talks about a beer company that gives back to help with conservation efforts and I talk about an awesome fossil that will soon be auctioned off. We discuss our favorite Animal Based Disney Animated Film Released before 1990, Bambi and 101 Dalmations, and learn about our Animal of the Week, the Diving Bell Spider!


Originally released on September 18th, 2021

On this episode Casey talks about an extremely important fossil discovery, and I talk about the amazing Anatolian Shepherd. We also learn about our favorite National Animals of Europe, the Black-Tailed Godwit (Netherlands) and the Eurasian Lynx (Romania), and our Animal of the Week, the Common European Adder!


Originally released on September 25th, 2021

On this episode Casey talks about the approval of insects for use in some animal feed while I talk about a massacre in the Faroe Islands. We then learn about our favorite European Animals That Appear in Literature, the Common Raven (The Raven) and the European Badger (Harry Potter) and our Animal of the Week, the Box-Headed Blood Bee. And remember we will have no new episodes for October.


Originally released on November 5th, 2021

On this episode Casey talks about a potential new evolutionary adaptation in Elephants, while I give an update on a previously mentioned story. We learn about our Favorite African Reptiles, the Black Mamba and the Red-Headed Rock Agama, and our Animal of the Week, the Pygmy Hippo. Sorry about the weird audio for part of this episode. There was no more time to figure out how to fix it, so it is what it is.


Originally released on November 12th, 2021

On this episode Casey brings us some good news from Kenya, while I encourage you to check out the amazing members of the SF Wag Brigade. We then learn about our Favorite Animals Native to the Sahara Desert, the Desert Monitor and the Fennec Fox, and our crazy unique Animal of the Week, the Aardwolf.


Originally released on November 19th, 2021

On this episode, Casey tells us about a bird flu that is wreaking havoc on cape cormorants in South Africa, while I talk about another awesome dog breed, the Basenji. We learn about our Favorite African Species Commonly Kept as Pets, the Sulcata Tortoise and the Demason's Cichlid, and our Animal of the Week, the Fossa.


Originally released on November 26th, 2021

On this episode, Casey talks about Komodo Dragons being uplisted to endangered, while I share how manatees are starving to death due to human activity. We then get to learn about our Favorite Gazelles (even though they aren't true Gazelles), the Dama Gazelle and the Gerenuk before learning about our Animal of the week, the  Taita Hills Caecilian.


Originally released on December 5th, 2021

On this episode Casey has some good news from Indonesia regarding Javan Rhinos, and I talk about an invasive spider that is making Georgia look super spooky. We learn about our picks for our Favorite National Animal from Asia, the Markhor (Pakistan) and the Snow Leopard (Afghanistan), and our Animal of the Week, the Binturong.


Originally released on December 12th, 2021

On this episode both hosts give advice for animal themed gifts for this holiday season. We learn about our Favorite Asian Lizards, the Malaysian Butterfly Lizard and the Draco Lizard, and our Animal of the Week, the Saola.


Originally released on December 17th, 2021

On this episode Casey talks about some positive news from Russia, and Ali discusses another dog breed, the Chinese Crested. We learn about our Favorite Asian Snakes, the King Cobra and Blue Coral Snake, and our Animal of the Week, the Common Kingfisher. Check us out at for pictures and links to everything we discuss in the Episode!


Originally released on December 24th, 2021

On this episode Casey talks about the Evolutionary Distinctiveness of the Animal Addicts Podcast, and I talk about Cane Toads invading Taiwan. We learn about our Favorite Animals from Japan, the Japanese Macaque and the Japanese Raccoon Dog, and our Animal of the Week, the Sunda Colugo. There is no intro this week because I didn't bring the mic I use for that with me to Arizona, and quite frankly, I couldn't get to a quite enough place to record one anyway. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all who listen and your loved ones!


Originally released on December 31st, 2021

On this episode Casey discusses a study on kinematics in Asian Elephants relating to being ridden by humans, and I talk about another breed of cat, the Japanese Bobtail. We learn about our Favorite Asian Animals in Media, the Lesser Death’s Head Hawkmoth (Silence of the Lambs) and the Giant Panda (The Great Panda Adventure), and our Animal of the Week, the Yangtze Giant SoftShell Turtle. Once again we do not have an intro this week as I am still in Arizona without the proper equipment. We wish you a Happy New Year as we venture into 2022!


Originally released on February 4th, 2022

On this episode Casey shares some crazy behavior from some birds in Australia, while I deliver some sad news about a previously discussed little hero. We learn about our favorite Australian Animals That Rank #1 on a List, The Sydney Funnel Web Spider (most venomous spider) and Inland Taipan (most venomous snake), and our Animal of the Week, the Frill-Necked Lizard!


Originally released on February 15th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares about Seals in New Zealand that hunt sharks, while I talk about Willow, the new White House Kitty! We learn about our Favorite Birds from New Zealand. the Weka and the Fiordland Penguin, and our Animal of the Week, the New Zealand Lesser Short-tailed Bat! Due to illness, this episode was delayed as will the next be since we weren't able to record when we intended. Thank you for your patience.


Originally released on February 23rd, 2022

On this episode Casey gives us an update on the status of Koalas in Australia, while I talk about an awesome dog breed, the Australian Kelpie. We learn about our Favorite Adorable Animals from Oceania, the Honey Possum and the Wombat, and our Animal of the Week, the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect!


Originally released on February 25th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about some very aggressive orcas hunting giant prey off of Australia, while I talk about a same sex penguin couple expertly raising a chick. We learn about our Favorite Animals from New Guinea, the Victoria Crowned Pigeon and the Matschie's Tree-Kangaroo, and our Animal of the Week, the Numbat.


Originally released on March 4th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about the potential impact of Krill fishing on wildlife, while I talk about an adventurous sea lion in San Diego. We learn about or Favorite Fish from the Indian Ocean Commonly Kept as Pets, the Longhorn Cowfish and the Blue Hippo Tang, and our Animal of the Week, the Long-Finned Pilot Whale!


Originally released on March 11th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares how scientists are using seals to study whales, and I talk about a bear who has been on a crime spree in California. We learn about our Favorite Toothed Cetaceans from the Indian and Southern Ocean, the False Killer Whale and the Commerson's Dolphin, and our Animal of the Week, the Christmas Tree Worm.


Originally released on March 19th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares about a new species of Orca that were filmed for the first time, while I talk about a lesser known breed of dog, the Finnish Lapphund. We learn about our Favorite Animals that are White or Blue, the Blue Shark and the Blue Whale, and our Animal of the Week, The Glass Octopus!


Originally released on March 25th, 2022

On this episode Casey shares a story about how shark meat could be hiding in your pet's food, and I share a story about how a man tried to smuggle over 50 reptiles across the San Ysidro border crossing in his clothes! We learn about our Favorite Sharks from the Indian and Sothern Ocean and Antarctica, the Tiger Shark and the Bull Shark, and our Animal of the Week, the Jonah’s Icefish. Remember there will be no new episodes in April, and we will be back exploring the Pacific Ocean in May! 


Originally released on May 6th, 2022

On this episode Casey shares an article about how AI is helping with conservation efforts in Hawaii, while I give an update on the San Fransisco Wag Brigade. We learn about our Favorite Fish Found Near Hawaii, the Spectacled Parrotfish and the Moorish Idol, and our Animal of the Week, the Marine Iguana!


Originally released on May 29th, 2022

On this episode, Casey tells us about a new exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, while I revisit a previous pet peeve. We learn about our Favorite Pelagic Fish, the Tropical Two-Winged Flying Fish and the Pacific Sardine, and our Animal of the Week, the Barreleye. Apologies for the delay, we had many technical issues, and some sound issues that you may notice in this episode. As they continue to be a problem, future episodes will probably also be delayed.


Originally released on June 18th, 2022

On this episode, Casey tells us about how conservationists are working to protect birds off the coast of Portugal, while I discuss another adorable dog breed, the Alaskan Klee Kai. We then talk about our Dream Destinations in the Pacific Ocean to See a Wildlife Event, Schooling Hammerhead Sharks off the Coast of Hawaii and Turtle Hatchlings going out to sea in Todos Santos in Baja California Sur, Mexico, and our Animal of the Week, the Blue-Footed Booby! Once again, sorry for the delay, and we hope all of our technical difficulties are behind us. in May! 


Originally released on June 19th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about the Bird Flu Epidemic across the USA, and I talk about a Mystery Monkey in Borneo. We learn about our Favorite Marine Life We’ve Seen in the Pacific, the Green Sea Turtle and California Sea Lion, and our Animal of the Week, the Vaquita!


Originally released on June 21st, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about a new assessment from the IUCN Red List, while I talk about a hero dog from Ukraine. We then learn about our Favorite Adorable Animals Native to California, the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse and the Sea Otter, and our Animal of the Week, the Hooded Pitohui!


Originally released on June 22nd, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about a new deep sea jellyfish that was caught on camera by scientists for the first time, while I talk about the skeleton of the dinosaur that inspired the velociraptors from Jurassic Park being sold at auction for an exorbitant amount of money. We learn about our Favorite Interesting Invertebrates, the Sea Angel and Sea Pen, and our Animal of the Week, the Bonnethead Shark! 


Originally released on June 23rd, 2022

On this episode, Casey gives us a lesson on Phylogeny and Systematics, while I talk about a very distinctive looking dog breed, the Puli. We learn about our Favorite Animal That Went Extinct Since 1900, the Southern Gastric Brooding Frog and the Thylacine, and our Animal of the Week, the Armadillo Girdled Lizard! 


Originally released on June 24th, 2022

On this episode, Casey discuses some of his pet peeves regarding herpetological husbandry, and I discuss a unique group of Polar Bears in Greenland who are making it work. We learn about our Favorite Animals with Unique Adaptations, the Star-Nosed Mole and Mimic Octopus, and about our Animal of the Week, the Marble Crayfish. Thank you so much for listening, and we can't wait to come back for Season 3 with a whole new batch of Amazing animals!

Season Three 


Originally released on August 5th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares his frustrations with people online, and I review my recent trip to SeaWorld after not having gone for more than a decade. We learn about our Favorite South American Snakes, the South American Bushmaster and the Emerald Tree Boa, and about our Animal of the Week, the Giant Otter. 


Originally released on August 12th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about trees being developed to grow faster and thereby more efficiently helping to combat carbon emissions, while I bring up two polls where Americans and Brits say how they would fare in a hand to hand combat with various animals. We learn about our Favorite South American Canids, the Short-Eared Dog and the Darwin's Fox, and about our Animal of the Week, The Kinkajou! 


Originally released on August 19th, 2022

On this episode, Casey gives some advice on what guidelines to use when purchasing your dog or cat food, and I highlight the Dogo Argentino. We learn about our Favorite South American Cats, the Andean Mountain Cat and the Jaguarundi, and our Animal of the Week, the Whip Spider.


Originally released on August 26th, 2022

On this episode, Casey gives us a Bio Lesson focusing on the Biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest, while I share a heart-breaking and upsetting story from Norway. We learn about our Favorite South American Marsupials, the Monito Del Monte and the Tate's Woolly Mouse Opossum, and our Animal of the Week, the Amazon River Dolphin.


Originally released on September 2nd, 2022

On this episode, Casey continues his discussion on pet food, while I talk about a whale attack incident at SeaWorld San Diego. We learn about our favorite North American Rodents, the American Beaver and the Yellow-Bellied Marmot, and about our Animal of the Week, the Oilbird! 


Originally released on September 9th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about Migrating Monarch Butterflies becoming endangered, while I talk about a poacher who received a 5 year prison sentence for their crimes. We learn about our Favorite Animals Native to Baja, the Desert Horned Lizard (AKA Horney Toad) and the Bighorn Sheep, and about our adorable Animal of the Week, the Ringtail.


Originally released on September 16th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares how you may not get the results you expect if you choose to clone your pets, and I discuss a North American dog breed, the Catahoula Leopard Dog. We learn about our Favorite Animals at the Top of a List from Central or North America, the Mojave Rattlesnake (most venomous rattlesnake) and the Moose (largest deer species, and about our Animal of the Week, the Harris's Hawk.


Originally released on September 23rd, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares the extremely odd way bees will now be getting protection under the Endangered Species Act in California, and I share a story about an escaped chimpanzee that was coaxed back to it's zoo by a keeper. We learn about our Favorite North American Invertebrate, the Anelosimus studiosus (Social Cobweb Spider) and the Green Darner Dragonfly, and our Animal of the Week, the Hellbender.


Originally released on September 30th, 2022

On this episode, Casey discusses Big Cats in the USA, while I highlight another breed, this time the Norwegian Fjord Horse. We learn about our Favorite Central or North American Songbirds, the Blue Jay and Northern Cardinal, and about our animal of the week, the Anna's Hummingbird!


Originally released on October 7th, 2022

On this episode, Casey continues his discussion of big cats in the USA, while I share a sad story about another mass stranding of whales. We learn about our Favorite Marine Birds, the Arctic Tern and American Oystercatcher, and about our Animal of the Week, the Pajama Shark.


Originally released on October 14th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about pet oral health, and I share a story about Fat Bear Week! We learn about our Favorite Sea Creatures Listed in Under The Sea ,From the Little Mermaid, the Pelagic Stingray and the Dotted Sea Slug, and about our Animal of the Week, the Sea Spider.  


Originally released on October 21st, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares a story about some petty politicians going after the Monterey Bay Aquarium, while I talk about the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog. We learn about our Favorite Sea Creatures That Give Us The Heebie Jeebies, the Geography Cone Snail and the Bobbit Worm, and about our Animal of the Week, The Atlantic Spotted Dolphin.


Originally released on October 28th, 2022

On this episode, Casey tackles another animal myth, this time involving coyotes, and I share how Avian Flu has decimated the home of a social media star. We discuss our Favorite Animal Related Horror Films, Pet Cemetery and Jaws, and learn about our Animal of the Week, the Razorbill. 


Originally released on November 4th, 2022

On this episode, Casey discusses a system put in place to help zoos during disasters, and I talk about the world record holder for the largest bony fish ever recorder. We learn about our Favorite European Reptiles, the Iberian Worm Lizard and the Ocellated Lizard, and about our Animal of the Week, the Etruscan Shrew. 


Originally released on November 11th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about a lioness developing a mane, and I talk about some lions that escaped their enclosure at a zoo in Sydney. We learn about our Favorite Animals Found in the Alps, the Alpine Salamander and the Chamois, and about our Animal of the Week, the Eurasian Hoopoe. Thank you for joining us for our 100th episode!


Originally released on November 18th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about an odd technique being used to deter wolves from hanging around people, and I talk about the Czechoslovakian Vlcak, or Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. We learn about our Favorite European Birds of Prey, the Red Kite and Peregrine Falcon, and about our Animal of the Week, the Norway Lemming.


Originally released on November 25th, 2022

On this episode, Casey talks about an exciting fossil discovery, and I share a happy ending to a story about a plane crash full of rescue dogs. We learn about our Favorite European Songbirds, the Eurasian Magpie and Eurasian Blue Tit, and about our Animal of the Week, the Great Crested Newt.


Originally released on December 2nd, 2022

On this episode, Casey and I talk about very similar stories about many species likely receiving new protections from CITES, though I go into a little more detail on one type on animal among them. We learn about our Favorite Non-Carnivorous Mammals, the Rock Hyrax and Nyala, and about our Animal of the Week, the Scimitar-Horned Oryx.


Originally released on December 9th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares a story about a cheetah hunting larger game in the Kuno National Park in India, while I talk about a stowaway cat that narrowly avoided tragedy. We learn about our Favorite Animal from the African Plains or African Forest exhibit at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, the Eastern Black Rhino and the Gemsbok, and about our Animal of the Week, the Aardvark.


Originally released on December 16th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares a story about a bird that has been seen for the first time in over a century, and I highlight another dog breed, this time the Azawakh. We learn about our Favorite Non-Canid or Feline African Carnivore (Order Carnivora), the Ring-Tailed Vontsira and African Civet, and about our Animal of the Week, the Brown Greater Galago.


Originally released on December 23rd, 2022

On this episode, Casey gives an update on the CITES convention results, and I share a sad story about P-22, the Hollywood Cat. We learn about our Favorite African Primates, the Bonobo and the Mandrill, and about our Animal of the Week, the Egyptian Uromastyx.


Originally released on December 30th, 2022

On this episode, Casey shares an article about odd genes that help protect elephants from cancer, and I share about the Lionhead bunny for another breed spotlight. We learn about our favorite Non-Raptor Birds, the Cape Penduline Tit and the Grey Crowned Crane, and about our Animal of the Week, the Lappet-Faced Vulture.


Originally released on February 3rd, 2023

On this episode, Casey talks about a horrible conflict between humans and elephants in Sri Lanka, and I share a story about irresponsible gun safety that lead to a freak accident. We learn about our Favorite Asian Primates, the Tapanuli Orangutan and the Pygmy Slow Loris, and about our awesome Animal of the Week, the Great Eared Nightjar.


Originally released on February 10th, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares discusses a viral video of a moose losing its antlers, while I give an updated on the world's oldest living dog. We learn about our Favorite Asian Rodents, the Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat and the Indian Giant Squirrel, and about our Animal of the Week, the Saiga Antelope.


Originally released on February 17th, 2023

On this episode Casey talks about the world's oldest African penguin's most recent birthday, and I highlight another dog breed, the Afghan Hound. We learn about our Favorite Asian Cats, the Clouded Leopard and the Rusty-Spotted Cat, and about our Animal of the Week, the Pallas's Cat. Don't forget to check the website, (under Episode Guides), for all the links to the stories we featured. 


Originally released on February 24th, 2023

On this episode, Casey discusses diversity in the zookeeping filed, and I talk about a strange string of incidents at the Dallas Zoo. We learn about our Favorite Asian Turtles or Tortoises, the Chinese Box Turtle and the Burmese Star Tortoise, and about our Animal of the Week, the Chinese Alligator. 


Originally released on March 3rd, 2023

On this episode, Casey talks about joining ABMA or Animal Behavior Management Alliance, and I share a story from the San Diego Zoo about Pat, the World Record holder for the longest living mouse in human care. We learn about our Favorite Macropods, the Red Kangaroo and Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby, and about our Animal of the Week, the Black Flying Fox.   


Originally released on March 14th, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares a story about how the San Antonio Zoo disaster response team helped the Austin Zoo after a winter storm, and I share an article about the discovery of a new frog species discovered in Ecuador. We learn about our Favorite Oceania Reptiles, the Komodo Dragon and Thorny Devil, and about our Animal of the Week, the Fly River Turtle.


Originally released on March 19th, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares an article about animals that are extinct in the wild, while I highlight the Australian Terrier for this month's dog breed. We learn about our Favorite National Animals From Countries in Oceania, the Emu (Australian National Bird) and the Raggiana Bird of Paradise (Papua New Guinea), and about our Animal of the Week, the Archey's Frog.


Originally released on March 24th, 2023

On this episode, Casey discusses the Naibi Zoo, in Illinois, giving Covid vaccines to some of their animals, while I share about a cheetah escape at the Henry Doorly Zoo, and mountain lion P22, the 'Hollywood Cat', getting a tribal burial in the Santa Monica Mountains. We learn about our Favorite Aquatic Oceania Animals - the Freshwater Crocodile and the Platypus, and about our Animal of the Week, the Australian Lungfish.


Originally released on March 31st, 2023

On this episode, Casey discusses the 'Cocaine Cat' who found a new home after escaping from its owner, and I talk about a goat breed this time, the Nigerian Dwarf Goat! We discuss our Favorite  Nature Series Growing Up , The Crocodile Hunter and Zoboomafoo for Casey, and Jeff Corwin Experience and Meerkat Manor for Ali, and learn about our Animal of the Week the Satin Bowerbird.


Originally released on April 7th, 2023

On this episode, Casey talks about the 'March of the Penguin Madness' competition, and I share a story about how a 90 tortoise became a first-time father at the age of 90! We learn about our Favorite Antarctic Birds, the Snowy Sheathbill and the Light-Mantled Albatross, and about our Animal of the Week, the Southern Elephant Seal.


Originally released on April 14th, 2023

On this episode, Casey discusses a new exhibit at the Houston Zoo, and I talk about a scary incident involving a snake on a plane, and a happier story about an Orca who will soon be freed from captivity. We learn about our Favorite Crustaceans From the Indian Ocean, the Coconut Crab and the Christmas Island Red Crab, and about our Animal of the Week, the Horn-Eyed Ghost Crab.   


Originally released on April 21st, 2023

On this episode, Casey discusses the designation of Critical Habitat proposal for 12 species found only on Hawaii Island, while I highlight another dog breed, the Bedlington Terrier. We learn about our Favorite Vertebrates Native to the Indian Ocean, the Sperm Whale and Zebra Shark, and about our Animal of the Week, the Antarctic Petrel.


Originally released on April 30th, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares an article about the conservation and welfare implications of Alligator Wrestling, and I share a story about an Alaskan dog who took a 150 mile journey before being returned home. We learn about our Favorite Wild Card (Anything Not Already Covered From this Region), the Oarfish and the Chinstrap Penguin, and about our Animal of the Week, the Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish.


Originally released on May 5th, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares an article about the Forth Worth Zoo using IVF on Houston Toads, and I share two short articles, one about a 'cocaine hippo' being hit by a car, and the other about how to watch Wild Isles (the controversial David Attenborough series). We discuss our Favorite Nature Series or Documentary as an Adult, Planet Earth II and National Geographic's Super/Natural, and about our adorable Animal of the Week, the Leaf Sheep (or Leaf Slug).


Originally released on May 12th, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares sad news about an extremely rare reptile that now faces extinction, and I also share sad news about an adventurous San Diegan sea lion. We learn about our Favorite Mammals Native to the Pacific, the Marine Otter and the Stripped Dolphin, and about our Animal of the Week, the Hawaiian Monk Seal. 


Originally released on May 19th, 2023

On this episode, Casey talks about the home of 2,000 rhinos going up for auction in South Africa, and I highlight the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever as our breed this month. We discuss our Favorite Marine Animal Based Live Action Movies, Dolphin Tale and Free Willy, and learn about our itsy bitsy Animal of the Week, the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider.


Originally released on May 27th, 2023

On this episode, Casey gives an update on the ‘shaky’ future of the 2,000 rhinos from the Platinum Rhino Project from the previous episode, while I talk about yet another horse racing related horse death. We then learn about our Favorite Flashy Looking Fish, the Indo-Pacific Lionfish (or Red Lionfish) and the Mandarin Fish, and about our fascinating Animal of the Week, the Sarcastic Fringehead.


Originally released on June 2nd, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares about the declining state of giraffe in the wild, and I share an article about platypuses returning to the Australian Royal National Park after a near 50 year absence. We learn about our Favorite Pretty Looking Venomous or Poisonous Animals, the Coral Snake and Poison Dart Frog (Ranitomeya amazonica), and about our Animal of the Week, the Dracula Parrot (or Pesquet's Parrot).


Originally released on June 9th, 2023

On this episode, Casey talks about an organization working to protect cotton-top tamarins in Columbia, and I share a story about 'mini kangaroo on steroids' making a comeback in south Australia. We learn about our Favorite Marine Animal Not Already Covered on the Podcast, the Blue Blubber Jellyfish and the West Indian Manatee, and about our Animal of the Week, the Iberian Ribbed Newt.


Originally released on June 16th, 2023

On this episode, Casey talks about the new regulations that will soon be implemented for birds in wildlife facilities, and I talk about an ancient 'elephant graveyard' recently discovered in Florida. We learn about our Favorite Weird Looking Sea Creatures, the Chambered Nautilus and Red-Lipped Batfish, and about our Animal of the Week, the Sitatunga.


Originally released on June 23rd, 2023

On this episode, Casey talks about some troubling news regarding platypuses, while I highlight our final dog breed, the Glen of Imaal Terrier. We learn about our Favorite Wild Card - Any Bird We Haven’t Already Discussed, the Superb Lyrebird and the Nuttall’s Woodpecker, and abut our Animal of the Week, the Spider-Tailed Horned Viper.


Originally released on June 30th, 2023

On this episode, Casey shares more information about AAZK (the American Association of Zoo Keepers), and I talk about our final breed, the Silkie Chicken. We learn about our picks for Favorite Wild Cards - Anything You Want - the Hispaniola Solenodon and Southern Viscacha, and about our final Animal of the Week, the Brown-Throated Three-Toed Sloth. Thank you so much for listening and all your support over the years. 

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